Anti-Racist Initiative

Digital Design
Social Media
Web Design
The goal

The Racial Equity Team at Mount Olivet embarked on a congregation-wide campaign to empower members to either begin or faithfully continue their journey towards living a life of racial justice. The visual theme needed to be centered around the idea of "Imago Dei" — that humanity reflects God's image. We also needed a central landing page to hold the various components of the campaign: a study, anti-racist activities, and a sermon series.

The process

It's not easy to create visuals having to do with race or identity — if you're too explicit, you risk harming others or telling the wrong story. If you're not explicit enough, you can miss the mark and fail to move people to action. After a few days of researching and brainstorming, I settled on the trinity knot as the vessel that would hold our visuals: ripped pieces of humanity and patterns and colors coming together in a collage of sorts. The infinite variations of images and shapes allowed us to keep visuals fresh throughout the campaign.

The heaviest lift of the project was creating a CMS for the anti-racist activities — something you can filter by category and age group. I used help from Finsweet to create the archive and we were pleased to see these pages rank in our Top 10 throughout the season of Lent.



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